Saturday, July 22, 2006

GMAT + flu + fleas = HELL

What better to complement my single-digit number of days left till D-day than a stuffy nose, phelgm-y throat, and 30+ flea bites on my right leg??? How exactly does one catch the flu in July in Southern California when it is 110 degrees outside? And can someone explain why, after my cat's three flea-free years of life, does she decide to host an army of them NOW?

And here I was worrying about breaking 700. Hell, will I even manage to make it to the test center without passing out from the pesticide fumes in my lungs or wigging out from my flu medications???


MBABlogger said...

Sometimes we give our best under pressure an most adverse conditions.. May be u r gonna do the same :)
Good luck and I hope u rock the gmat.

atypical HBS said...

Best of kuck on your exam

Continental Drift said...

All the best on the GMAT!

Rico's Mom said...

ooohh that sucks! i hope you feel better before g-day! drink lots of liquids and get lots of sleep!