Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Best of Blogging?!

Wow! I wasn't expecting to win anything--especially anything related to being funny. I recall last year's winner, MBAJackass, being truly hilarious. But I'm honored to have brought a light chuckle or at least a tight-lipped smirk to the otherwise stoic, stonefaced mba applicant community ;)

Thank you for the award! And thanks to all the other applicant bloggers out there who've been sharing their experiences.


ipoel said...

hey congrats :)

Alan H. said...

Congrats on the award and good luck on the apps. If it helps, my friends and I are blogging about our application experiences and will continue blogging throughout b-school.

Your name reminds me of a famous Toronto chef, Susur Lee. I hope your hair is as long and flowing as his.