Monday, April 30, 2007

Admit Weekend

So I attended admit weekend this past Friday and Saturday.

I must say I've never felt as introverted as I did during this weekend. On the first day, I felt a bit overwhelmed by other admits' eagerness to talk about themselves and about business school. We already had so much information to take in from the first-year ambassadors, faculty, and alumni that were there--did we also need to spend every waking moment discussing our goals and rehashing our application essays?

It's not that I lacked excitement about attending--I'm just still in "whew it's over let's relax!" mode. And I intend to stay there for a while!

But this was a "sell" type of weekend as many admits hadn't made the decision to attend yet, so as someone who's submitted their deposit already, I had a different perspective on the event. I just wanted to sit back and get a feel for what I'd be in for (and who I'd be there with) come this fall.

I made a few friends, most of them like me--and by the second day I was starting to enjoy myself. People in general began to relax and have a little fun. Overall, it was a good experience, and the weekend confirmed a lot of random things I've read or heard about bschool in general:

-bschool "divas" do exist, and shamelessly at that!
-no matter where I go, some people are just assholes
-half the class is going to have a serious advantage in my first finance class
-cold calling is scary, and shrinking in my seat doesn't help
-dim lights and alcohol make for a great networking environment
-everyone is incredibly diverse in what they have to offer
-despite feeling a little intimidated, I deserve to be there as much as anyone else

addendum: hmm, judging by the comments I've received below, I worry that my post has come across a little more negative than I'd intended. It was a rough start, and there were some overwhelming personalities, but everyone settled in by the second day, and I did have a good time and met a lot of good people. I'm not any less excited about going--but I did find it amusing to encounter a few typical bschool stereotypes in person :)


Rico's Mom said...

Interesting take on the admit weekend. That was the first description of an admit weekend that I actually believe. I think some people are so excited about going to B-school they remain blind to any negative aspect of the school or classmates. I sort of worry about those folks having unrealistic expectations. It's nice to know that not every school and every admit is wonderful and perfect...there are always pluses and minuses to any school! Glad you found some cool people like yourself!

fromcali said...

Don't worry - that's fairly common at admit weekends and people mellow out once they no longer have to "prove themselves" to their fellow classmates. People tend to mellow out after about a month or so (when they realize that most people are "normal").

Forrest Gump said...

yeah, very honest take on the AW. i would agree with fromcali and mba_salsera, people generally seem to be very excited initially, and slowly the things settle down....

it would be interesting to learn if those divas, assholes etc became normal, and maybe your friends as well in the course of time.

the being said...

no matter where I go, some people are just assholes

Amen, to that!
did u read Snapshots From Hell? The author says somthing like this about students during the whole first term...

Congrats on winning BOB :)