Saturday, October 14, 2006

Once upon a time....

Most of the comments I'm receiving from people who have been proof-reading my career-goals essay say that it lacks creativity. But I wonder how creative I can possibly be with my snore-inducing technical career history, and equally tranquilizing career goals? I don't think my essay would neccessarily bore any admissions committee to death--but a normal person, yes, probably beyond the grave.

It's difficult to take my helpful friends' advice lightly as I respect them all (an English PHD candidate, a law-school student, and a freelance journalist) and trust their essay-writing skills much more than my own, but at the same time, none are applying to business school nor know much about it. So I really don't know what type of creativity they're looking for...something gimmicky? A humorous anecdote about my glamourous IT career? It's hard to infuse personality into an essay prompt that asks strictly for career history and future career goals, as I think I'm a pretty damn interesting, well-rounded gal, but it's hard for that to be reflected in such a limited essay.


1 comment:

MBABlogger said...

You are right. It would make more sense to get your essays reviewed by your friends who have done their MBA.

More than creativity its clarity of goals and showcasing your qualities that is important.

Nevertheless, you should make your essay interesting. Not necesarily by humor, may be by talking abt some personal experience. Strike a cord right in the beginning.. if you make a story like start it would be good. Good luck :) I am struggling with the creativity part myself though :) after all I am another IT applicant and how do i make it interesting :)