Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I have a "story" ...finally

After much self-assessment, I think I've got the foundation for my "story" that will be told through my application essays. My progress was initially stagnant, and felt futile, but now it's snowballed into something that feels more solid. I am done panicking--I feel confident and excited about applying. Although I'm a little stressed and nervous about it all still, of course.

I think it definitely helped me to make note of all the post-collegiate things I've done, professional and non-professional. While I did do some sit-down brainstorming, I've also been making little notes to myself since I began considering business school. Whenever I remembered an accomplishment, no matter how small, that would contribute to my bschool story, I would jot it down. Reading other essays, looking through photographs, revisiting journal/blog entries from college all helped me gather a giant list of experiences that I feel will help bolster my candidacy.

As I'm somewhat of a career switcher, I also have been reading and researching as much as I can about the career I'm most interested in--just to get a better idea of how I can present my achievements so that they'll be the most consistent to what my career goals entail.

Though I'm still at the beginning of this process, I do feel like my own understanding of "why" I want an MBA has been relatively fleshed out. I don't feel like I had to force things to fit when they didn't--for the most part, the different pieces seem to have fallen into place.

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.

-Frank Tibolt

1 comment:

Juggler said...


Great progress, getting your story straight is half the work done :-)